Sunday, October 30, 2005

Test week for GPMG & SOC

This week is virtually a testing week for me. I got GPMG weapon technical handling test & Standard Obstacle Course (SOC) test. But the good news is I passed everything and to add to the good news, I don’t need to have anymore SOC at least for this year.

Day 1 (24 Oct)
I had section live firing for the whole day. We moved from one bound to the next before firing the blanks and the actual rounds during separate training. I was the 2IC M203 for the whole of live firing. It was fun and interesting shooting the enemy after moving from bound to bound. It rained during the evening and the whole place was muddy. When night falls, the whole place was wet and muddy but I got a very good experience in doing fire movement during the night.

Day 2
Lessons on Sand modeling and terrain modeling. We also had lessons on Appreciation of Situation, Battle procedure and Approval of plan lessons, which will be used in the patrol field camp in 2 weeks time.

Day 3
I had intensive lessons on GPMG. The immediate action drills, stripping and assembling, loading & unloading and the theory part of the GPMG. It took us the whole morning and early afternoon.

In the late afternoon, I got SOC trial test. I passed the test with a timing of 8:53. I need to pass this trial test in order to proceed to the actual test on Friday. Guess what, I made it to the actual test.

Day 4
Continue with our lessons on GPMG for the whole day. The instructors emphasizes on the theory and Computer Aided Instructions for the test tomorrow.

Day 5 (Test day)
This is the day where the entire tests are conducted. In the morning, I had my actual SOC test. I passed the test with a timing of 8:58. Even though it was slower than the trial test, I am happy that I passed, becoz I don’t need to run SOC for at least this year.

In the afternoon, we had GPMG theory test and technical handling test. I managed to pass the technical handling test but not sure whether I passed the theory test, because it was dammed difficult.

By evening, it was relaxed time. We had a Deepa-Raya celebration for Deepavali and Hari Raya Puasa celebration. The performance were all the Indian and malay dance moves. It was quite entertaining. We had had a nasi ayam dinner and staty…very satisfying sia…

Day 6 (Today)
I had lesson on detailed Approval of plan (AOP). Very theoretical. Must study for this. Before I booked out, I got a defaulter’s parade (punishment for running across the road without the proper turning point). It was quite xiong. We had to take out the fieldpack items and repack and then off to marching. It was a fast march and a lot of turning behind command, furthermore it happened simultaneously. I nearly fainted due to the turning. Luckily I survive through it. After that, it was book out time…Yeah!

A very satisfying week for me as I passed the most important test which is the SOC. No more SOC for me loh… I can slack and have my free time during this period. Yahooooooo!



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