Sunday, December 11, 2005

Relax sia!

After nearly 2 months of training, it was about time to conclude the end of my service term in OCS. After 5 field camps and numerous tests, it had come to a point where my results will determine whether I go to Infantry, Signals, Artillery, Armour or Armored Infantry. But it had been a fruitful experience even though the training has been one of the toughest I ever went through.

Monday (5 Dec)
I had just finished guard duty the day before. Actually guard duty in OCS is nothing, we are grouped into details and serve only 4-hour shift. For me, I served my duty from 8am to 12pm and 8pm till 11.20pm. All we did was to stand at the main gate and chat with the Regimental Police (RP) personnel. The rest of the time, we sat in the ops room chatting, watch TV or sleep.

We had navigation practical test in the morning at the SAFTI live firing area. We had tests on how to use projector to find the correct knoll and compass and map to determine the MGR of the knoll in the map. Geography lessons do play a part in this test.

Practically do nothing for the whole day except for those retaking IPPT or SOC. I spent of the day slacking. The issue of social gathering was brought up and everyone was talking about finding a date for the night. For most of my platoon mates, they were mostly singles and were trying to find a date for the night. We had navigation theory test as well.

I had OCCT (Close Combat training) on breakfall which I don’t really enjoyed doing it. The lesson was on how to use proper technique to break a fall. At the end of the lessons, my neck was quite stiff and my limps were hurting.

Self-study for most of the day and briefing on platoon live firing.

Platoon live firing started from 8am till 1am the next day. We charged up the E-Shaped knoll at the Pasir Leba SAFTI live firing area 5 times. Blanks and live rounds were used and therefore the exercise was extremely dangerous. The exercise start from the assembly area to the Form up place and lastly charging up the knoll. Breaching devices was also use to open up the stimulated defence of the emeny.

At the end of the live firing, my whole legs felt numb. Reached wing line at 0145 and I slept at 0330.

Morning come early than expected. I had only 2 hrs of sleep but the programme must still go on. We had OCCT lesson 2 on arm lock and so on. All thanks to Zheng Da (Close combat instructor), I embarrassed myself in front of the wing as I forgotten most of the steps learn in this lesson. He informed the instructor that I having lessons and the instructor asked brother and I to demonstrate. Aiyo, I really embrassed myself sia.

By afternoon, I had Offensive and defensive military symbols assignment and military law theory test. Practically, that end my day.

Book out day! Had breakfast and some sports and off to book out. But before we could book out, WSM (Wing Sergeant Major) conducted a check in our room for next week “Big Shot arrival”. He took 2 hrs to clear the area. At 1300hrs, is off to home.

Counting down to the end of service term
10 Days…



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