Thursday, June 12, 2008

Official Holiday and Worst Education Website

At this time, I would have finished my exams starting my remaining one and a half month of holidays. Good news is that I got a PC Deployment job and will be working for one month. At least the job is IT related even though is mostly hardware. Furthermore, is one of the most "customizable" job I have got. A bit not very happy the way the boss informed my friends to inform me. But who cares, as long I get a job that the end of the story.

Now talking about this worst education website: That will be new NTU website. I was so pissed off by the slowness in the website and I guess the server is running on Windows "VISTA" based server and when I tried to access the NTU website, they gave me this "401 UNAUTHORIZED". Is either their website got hacked or I not sure whether at the server side they are facing permission pop-ups all over the world just like when u run vista and they gave u a pop-up dialog asking u for permission to activate it. I nearly don't even know my sit number when I went back to access the website. It was so dammed slow. When I run the website in school, it was as smooth as ever.

Sometimes I does wonder why Microsoft keep producing software that requires new hardware or if not better hardware. Imagine after a few years, Microsoft came up with new OS with new hardware requirements. Won't u feel a bit wasted where u have plus plus your Laptop with 2GB RAM and so on on your hardware just so that it can run future Microsoft OS upgrades but realize that is not the fact. The fact is that your laptop will need a "NEW" laptop replacement to meet its requirements. I feel a bit wasted as every upgrades make the game unplayable in later versions of the OS. That is sad. Nowadays, software developers are mostly developing without caring the hardware capabilities of some of the older computers. Those SME companies with budget will try to but second hand PC with not very high-end hardware capabilities to save on cost. If this trend goes on, it will be wise for companies to go into using open-source software which are not thirsty for computer resources. Disappointment, Disappointment.



At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there

I'm from NTU and yeah, I'm not very pleased with the constant hiccups faced either.

Being a longtime Windows user and a recent Mac switcher, I don't understand why those tech guys are so pro-Micro$oft...

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Willy said...

Maybe there is some agreement between NTU and Microsoft.


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