Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Survival Kit to University

Well, one month more before I step into my university life. The main concerns with most students are money matters. Even though the government subsides part of our school fees, to some students like us that come from average families, it seems like a big item. My school fees in total is about S$28,510 ++ and have to take tuition fee loan from one of the bank. I find that there is more procedure compare to my polytechnic application where all the application are streamline into one package, all you pay is one package for everything including the email accounts and other necessity.

However, I am not going to be bothered by this loan once I start my term coz the main focus is to study. I take inspiration from one of my secondary school friends who are less fortunate than I am and survive thru it. I think she got quite good results as she was offered a chance to go for honours but chose to reject it. She also took up bank loan and teaches tuition as well as working part time to earn her own daily allowance. I really admire her ability and endurance to survive thru the 3 years.

Even though the cost of living is increasing, I learn to spend what is necessary. Items such as Laptop and books are a necessity will be purchase. Things like DVD player will not be in my radar after I graduate. Things like clothing will be like cut down to once every three months. Entertainment spending will be cut down to once a week, Saturday will be partially use to teach tuition and Sunday is reserved for studies and my physical fitness training. Practically I have plan what will be like in the next four years to come.

I think I feel better if I plan my stuff well coz that how I occupy my time and spent it wells. There is this formula that calculates the number of hours we spent sleeping. I change it a bit to the numbers of hours we wasted so far. That doesn't include time spent with gf coz I considered that precious time that is well-spent. Haha. Out

Time Wastage Calculator:
Time you spent idling per day: 4 hrs

Age: 21
Time Wasted so far: Age (21) x 365 x Time you spent idling per day(4) = 30660 hrs. That’s a lot already.

P.S. Any good survival plans, feel free to post it here.


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