Y I felt that army is really not a wonderful place to work?
In army especially not being a trainee, it make me wondered how army unction as a corporate structure. On the outside, it seems like a wonderful package as the benefits as well as the challenge of the job that encouraged people to sign up. But some are the one that haven’t gone thru any army training and had already signed on the dotted line.
Junior officer are mostly the one targeted to do most of the work. Juz one sentence like “draft me a report on xxx subject and submit to me in 1 week time.” But don’t assume the deadline is in 1 week time as they will suddenly called u and said that they need the draft now. Whenever they is an exercise, it is going to be a last minute arrangement as well. They will just said that next week Tue there might be a exercise, time I am not to sure. Only the day before they will tied down the time and inform u thru email at 8pm. So I am expected to stay in office past office hour to wait for this email.
Seriously, I am very disappointed with the culture in army. They are waiting for things to happen and the senior officer expected a lot from us. Imagine my friend had been arrowed to do the papers for army but is actually the work of an experienced officer and not a officer that just pass out from OCS two months ago. I not far from him either. I really felt like bursting and I AM SERIOUSLY VERY STRESSED OUT.
Nothing further to say. Out
James's Farewell Dinner
Yesterday was James's Farewell Dinner before he leaves for UK for his overseas studies in Aeronautical Engineering. We had dinner at the Azabosabo located at basement level of the Marina Square. It was a Japanese restaurant and it had a nice setting. We were led into a special "room" like those seen in Japan. Instead of kneeling, it was a sitting version maybe to suit the Singaporean style. Since it was James that was treating us, we were trying to order the most expensive set we could find. Haha.I ordered a Rindo set (Cold noodles + Chicken Katsu Rice) and a green tea float. We chatted a lot stuff mostly army stuff as some are fresh out of army while some just entered army which result the gal to be bored for the whole night. After the meal, we headed off to the Party World KTV in Orchard. We sang mostly mandarin song and I guessed I need to brush up my mandarin as some of the Chinese words I had difficulties recognizing it. But I think I shocked the hell out of everybody when I sang a Hokkien song since I am weak in mandarin and English song. We sang a total of 4 hours and ended at 3am. Took a cab back to my Home Sweet Home.
To: JamesAll the best in ur overseas studies and muz remember us hor. Thanks for all the treats.Out
CDF visit on the new Command post
MondayGot news on Chief of defence force Lt-General Ng (CDF) visit for the new command post that was going to be played during Ex-Wallaby in Australia. We were informed that he will be coming down on Fri to Jurong Camp to view the setup. Prep was underway as we need to determine the number of equipment to setup the Brigade Command Post. Since we can't get most of the support from 3Div, we had to get the most of the equipment ourselves.
TuesdayNational Day eve. Laptops and Desktop computer need to be configured according to the last exercise and end up we need to spent more time installing and end up we work past the normal working hours. I just hate things that is given last minute where the mail was dated way back in July.
WednesdayNational Day. I left towards my camp after watching the National Day march past. I need to get up at 7am the next day to setup the equipment.
ThursdayThings don’t seem to get better. After the vetting of 3DIV commander, a lot of changes need to be made and I have to bring in more computers and laptops to facilitate one of the greatest show. The new laptops and desktop need to be reinstalled and configured and we end up leaving the place at 8pm. Last count of equipment under my charge: 15 laptops, 12 desktop computers, 3 projectors, 6 UPS and 2 switches.
FridayI am required to learn and present the PDA system and had to ask Xiang Yuan (Enguene) from 2SIR to help me with this. Some changes were made when our brigade commander made some comments about it. At 1445 hrs, CDF arrives and head straight to the command post for the presentation. He commented on the unnecessary equipment that was spent which never provides efficient command and control. After that, he left the command post without visiting the PDA used. After that, we packed up and I ended up with a lost power cable and a laptop charger. Must be some other guys that had taken it. I sent in my equipment and all ended at 6.45pm.SaturdayWent out with my darling at ECP. It had been 6 years since I last ride a bike. I was struggling initially but after a few minutes I get the hang of it. We had dinner at the hawker center nearby with hokkien mee and satay wash off with coconut drink. What a wonderful night with no worries. That y, civilian life is best suited for me.Let my worries go away and let things take it course of action again on Mon.
Investigating Officer in 3SIB
What a hectic week for me this me. I had to attend courses at Jurong Camp, arrowed to become investigation officer and conducting for a 6km run and to end off with a Duty Officer today.
Call various units regarding information on the development on projects that was going to be played in Ex-Wallaby. Got arrowed to become investigation officer for a regular personnel charge with stealing. I have to draft out a report and visit him in the detention barracks at Mowbray camp.
Visit to the detained personnel at Mowbray Camp. Dogs greeted me with their barking as I alight from the vehicles. The camp was highly secured and I can't see the detainees but I can hear their normal routine training going on.
I was referred to a visitor room and saw him after waiting for a short while. I asked direct questions as I felt that there was no point going a big circle and end up wasting my aim of the visit. After getting his statement, I proceeded back to my camp to start with the report and identifying witnesses for this case.
Wednesday, Thursday
I had to put aside my investigation report and attend a course at 3Sig at Jurong Camp. It was quite a useful course for me as I have no knowledge of the program itself. Anyway is classified so can't reveal much as well.
Met a few of my former course mates some are here to attend the course while some are posted to Jurong Camp on various appointment. I had quite a nice chat with them and get some useful advice for my year end Ex-Wallaby.
I am the conducting officer for the 16km run at ECP in preparation of the Army Half Marathon in August 27. Quite a few units was there to train up and I saw my 2PDF friend. When I returned from ECP back to camp it was already 7.30pm so I decided to stay in as I have DO duties on Sat.
Here I am, doing camp duties.
P.S. For those serving NS, don't think about committing offences like AWOL, is not worth the time and ur future.
My Current fav. hit: F.I.R. - 雨樱花 (From their new 飞行部落 album)