Sad, Discourage & Depressing
Why the three above mentioned words? This week had been a disappointed and boring week as mostly it focuses on the Signal Day rehearsal. Holding the CCSM appt can be very difficult at times as different ppl have their views over my decisions. One person who gave me a lecture on the specific role on the appt is the Cadet Course Commander (CCC).
Lessons, nothing much. But got reprimanded by CCC on the specific roles to be played and my attitude towards them. This is especially so since he get comments from his own platoon. Some pointers he pointed out, I agree with him but 90% of it, I disagree. So currently, I don’t really care much and discipline much unless my Course Commanders ask me to.
Tue – Thu
Since I am not involved in the parade, I am slacking in the bunk for most of the time. Besides a few painting job on the cadet mess, there is really nothing to do.
Guard duty while the rest were on the parade. Saw Minister of Defence – Mr Teo and other high-ranking officer. I can only watch the side view of the parade and the rest of the parade was virtually inaccessible. We report for guard duty @ 1pm but end up my shift starts at 10pm. Guard duty was dammed “Xiong” as we are required to do prowling on every 2 hours shift. I didn’t really get a lot of sleep and went back home today in a daze.
Something Personal
I recently found out that there was this NYP student whose handphone had been stolen. In the newspaper, it also mentioned that it contains video between her and her boyfriend making out. I would like to say I felt sad for them and angry for the person who distributed them on the Internet. As Internet is a global links to every country, it can reach even to those unknown countries as long as they have Internet connection. Next advice: SAFE GUARD UR OWN BELONGINGS. U will never know what will happen next if u juz left ur belongings unattended.
To Charmaine
I understand the stress u are going now, juggling both work and studies but nevertheless u will have my full support in whatever things u do. Don’t be too discouraged whenever things don’t go ur way. Bright days are ahead with every steps u take towards ur future.
Urgh! Signal Institute Week 8
What I did in week 8 in Signal Institute as a trainee?
Mostly lessons on radio sets and CO lessons which is a bit crappy. But I got a Wireless Communication Fundamental test where all the 16 chapters are tested in this very day. Didn’t study much and furthermore the system encountered problems and I got a score of zero. Haiz
Signal Day Parade rehearsal. I got kick out of the marching contingent (wearing No. 1 uniform). I guess the reason was due to my height. Anyway 8 of platoon mates also didn’t make the cut as they only required 26. in the end I was made to do “DIRTY WORK” with the rest like cutting paper stencils where they can get it printed outside faster. I think the main reason is to save costs.
Signal Day Parade rehearsal day 2. Same as the day before. Feel like a Bangladesh worker.
A day filled with lessons where nothing went into my mind. Never felt so useless in a day before. Anyway the sergeant also don’t really care as and the whole class went silent for the first time as all heads are down on the table.
IPPT trial test. Still maintain my gold standard maybe is due to the easier 2.4km route compared to SAFTI MI. Who cares, as long I get my gold, I am satisfied.
IPPT Trial test results
Shuttle Run – 9.98sec
Standing Board Jump- 234 (need to improve)
Sit up – 45
Pull Up – 11 (need to improve)
2.4km – 09:19mins
This was also the day where I was appointed the Cadet Course Sergeant Major (CCSM). More crap stuff lies ahead of me. I had to care for the discipline of my course mates. How to do it?
First exam of the Signals Course. The Non Tactical Comm Planning. It was a 4 hours paper and most of the time I was struggling with it despite that it was an open book exam. I must have messed it up. Haiz.
This week conclusion:
Suay. Y?
1st reason: Ganna “DIRTY WORK”
2nd reason: Appointed CCSM.
My First Valentine
Today is Valentine Day and what make this year significant is that I am having my first valentine. Since I am in camp training (No Book Out), I can't celebrate it. But to make up for today, I celebrate it last Sat. Even though it was quite rush last Sat, I make up my mind that this is going to be the day I am not going to miss.
We went to a restaurant @ Spageddies at the Paragon. We had a wonderful italian dinner and we exchange gift as well. I got a belt set from her which was what I wanted to get intially. After a long dinner, we went to so call "Neo print" shop at the Orchard Cineleisure.
I can't really discribed a lot because all are wonderful events that shd be kept Confidential. But it was a memorable night for me.
Love Is In The Air
Valentine Day is coming soon to be exact it is one week away. Every store had changed the theme from Chinese New Year to Valentine theme. From teddy bears to perfume, everyone was grabbing a share of the valentine mood. Restaurant and especially jewellery shops are promoting firecely for a share of the consumers money. But nevertheless couples will have a enjoyable time.
For those who are tied down to various commitments like work, studies & NS, valentine is usually a forgotten thing. Like me, I nearly forgot the date as I don't celebrate for the past years. Below are some of the place where couples would like to visit.
Esplanade Colours at the Bay
Flowers & Gifts:
Prince Flowers
SK Jewellery
TAKA Jewellery