Hey hey,This is my first blog, yup my first blog. What a hectic 1st half of the year it has for me. I got my NS enlistment, settle my graduation and applying for university. Blah blah... But besides all this things, the best part is enjoying the relaxation i have.Actually it took me quite sometime for me to setup a blog for a "Computer-Nerd" to setup this blog especially we are suppose to try new things on the net. But nevertheless, i have one right now. During the last few weeks of this month, it has been more fun & fun (On my off days) even though the work in Popular juz bored me easily. The Fun PartI got the SP BBQ at East Coast Park, where i so-called it as the last poly gathering before i entered NS. The most interesting part is where we got a lot of leftover satay sauce and David Chien and I suggested a game called the guessing number, which is played in Taiwan varitey show. Whenever the person guesses the correct number that a person give out, he/she will have to drink a cup of satay sauce. To make the "Drink" more "fragrant", we added syrup, coke and the worst "seasoning" is Curry sauce. I drank 2 cups and some has drank around 5 cups of it... is the "best medicine" i have in my life...haha... In the end, i end up sick for 1 week and couldn't work.SP BBQ on 7 May 2005 
The Next outing is the SP Computer Club gathering. The gathering was held at the StraitKitchen at Grand Hyatt Hotel in Orchard Road. We have a feasible meal over there where it offer a lot of cuisine like indian, chinese, malay and lots more... We eat all sort of stuff like popiah, "Muthu Curry" (Because is dammed hot). Beside eating, we spent most of the time interacting and joking with each other. Furthermore, i know a lot if new faces which i have forgotten who are there especially the year 1s.SP Computer Club Gathering with Kian Seng

The Bored PartThe most boring part is working in Popular. I admit, it juz...s****s. Packing, shelving and serving rowdy customers, is part of the boring state i am in in Popular. Working Popular for 3 yrs is like serving Popular for a lifetime. No wonder a lot of working adults leave the company after a 1 or 2 yrs for greener pastures. Still, i am glad that i am "Retiring" from Popular soon for good or for bad, i am not sure. But knowing the staff is one where i find is the most challeging. Y? Because the staff in Popular keep changing (except for a few), also knowing the staff will enabled me to work with them easily. But currently, it juz get boring and boring each day as the same old tasks are repeated. Haiz.Wat's Next...Next month will be my last month where "Freedom" is used to describe the time i have currently. After next month, it will be start of NS life. But nevertheless, it will be interesing to get hold of the M16 again and meet some jokers inside. Until then, wait till for my next blog soon.Cheers,Chua Ah Nei